
We all can improve the quality of life.

Increasing the life expectancy age is the indicator of improvement.

Southern Oregon 10 Dimensions of Health

This wheel is a combination of two proven wellness sources: 1) The National Geographic study “Blue Zones”. 2) The “8 Dimensions” of health created by Dr. Bill Hettler at Wisconsin University. The third element is based from local needs of our community. In recent studies of Southern Oregon, it was found that drugs and homelessness make up 66% of concerns. Incorporating these “local” categories into the blue zone and complete wellness dimension wheel, we have the Southern Oregon 10 Dimensions of Health.

Imagine if every individual in Southern Oregon had a basic understanding and knew where to go for success in each of these dimensions!

Who is Jackson 10 working for?

Jackson 10 is a non-profit organization, not driven by any major organization’s agenda, is not associated with any political party and the only purpose is to support the quality of life of individuals in Southern Oregon. This is a people driven, city supported, and organization assisted initiative.

List of all projects:

Team Focus: SMART goal

Team Focus: SMART goal

Team Focus: SMART goal

Team Focus: SMART goal

Team Focus: SMART goal

Team Focus: SMART goal